JPSA wants to know:
Can you help deliver flyers for Alberta Beyond Coal?
This group has developed a double-sided flyer with information and pictures about what is in store for us if the coal mines on the Eastern Slopes become a reality.
They have identified flyer routes which cover about 200+ homes in a walkable area.
Would you be interested in organizing your own team (of one, two, or more) to deliver flyers?
The goal is to finish delivering flyers across the whole city by the middle of June.
We have a couple of folks from Justice Peace already signed up.
Are you Interested in joining us in volunteering for "ABC"?
Go to www.albertabeyondcoal.ca.
Under "Action" click on "Volunteer".
You will be asked for personal information (name, address, phone number).
The most useful role is flyer drop.
Once you submit your information, you will be contacted and provided with a map of your route and enough flyers for all the houses on the route.
You will need to take a few minutes and tuck the Lethbridge sheet into the pre-folded flyer.
If you are going to deliver solo, be prepared for up to four hours of walking. With a team, you can split up the route, finish it quickly, and ask for another!
Justice Peace and "Alberta Beyond Coal"
Over the past month we have distributed 100 names to be sent letters and emails in hopes of stopping the proposed coal projects in Alberta's Eastern Slopes.
Thanks to you this project has been well received and we've had participation from both people within the McKillop Community and people in the broader community.
Please take a few moments to fill out this short survey:
What is at stake if the mountains aren't protected?
This week we have two videos to show you what our new reality could look like... click below to see for yourself.
Click here to send an email to:
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
Email: pm@pm.gc.ca
(For your convenience download one of our Sample Letters below, fill in your name and attach to email.)

April Challenge Wrap Up!
We would love to know a little more about what that participation looked like.
Please take a few moments to fill out this short survey:
(For your convenience download one of our Sample Letters below, fill in your name and attach to email.)

Week Four Contact Emails:
Week Three Contact Emails:
(For your convenience download one of our Sample Letters below, fill in your name and attach to email.)

Week Two Contact Emails:

(For your convenience download one of our Sample Letters below, fill in your name and attach to email.)
Week One Contact Emails:

(For your convenience download one of our Sample Letters below, fill in your name and attach to email.)
(Click to download our Letter Writing Resources below!!)